Thursday 31 May 2018

Bottega Conviviale, Florence Italy

Bottega Coviviale is a small family traditional restaurant in Florence Italy. The menu has limited choices with starters, pasta, second courses, pizza and dessert.

They do have a pizza oven at the restaurant

Complimentary Starter - Pita Bread with cheese and basil inside

Complimentary Prosecco


Margarita DOP Pizza

Pasta with meat source

Ravioli with Prawn


Mozzarella cheese and Parma Ham


Overall, It is a family owned traditional restaurant the owner was very welcoming but the waiters were alright due to language barrier. They have forgotten to serve the mozzarella cheese and parma ham, so we have reminded them at the end of our meal. The owner has apologised to us and give us complementary dessert. The food were delicious especially the pizza. The ravioli was alright.

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